Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Pork pancake - a Swedish national dish?

If you ask a Swedish child about its favourite foods, the chance is great that the child says, burgers and pizza. As a good third place, I think that child says pork pancake.

It's not just kids who like pork pancake. Me too. And many more. Yes, it's almost as if pork pancake could be considered as belonging to Sweden's national dishes.

Yesterday we did a big pork pancake in the oven. The recipe said that it was meant for four. We were two who ate the whole thing.

The pork is bacon. We cut it down in an oven-proof dish and put it in the oven so that the bacon gets browned.

The pancake batter consists of
- 3 dl wheat flour and half a teaspoon of salt
- 6 dl milk (pour the first of 3 dl and stir into a solid batter; then pour in the remaining milk and whisk)
- 3 eggs (we took 4).

When the bacon pieces are nicely browned we pour the batter into the oven-proof dish. It all gets baked in the oven for about 30 minutes (until the pancake has a nice color and shape).

To the pancake we served lingonberry jam and whole carrots, which we ourselves grown in the garden. Delicate and typically Swedish.

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