Monday, October 21, 2013

Fish soup with lots of vegetables and aioli

Today fish soup was on the menu. 

Unfortunately we did not have time enough to visit the fish car in the town's market square. Therefore we had to use frozen fish fillets of salmon and cod. These we first thawed in the microwave oven.

Then we cut them into small cubes.

Fish soup consists of much more than fish. In our soup we have carrots, potatoes, fennel, Jerusalem artichokes, leeks, onions and parsnips.

Everything is cut into small pieces and then put into a sauce pan. The vegetables (except the leek), shall first fry for a while in the pan in some oil.

Then we add about 1 litre of water and two dices of fish broth and half dice of chicken broth (which provides a smooth flavour to the soup).

 When the vegetables have cooked about 15 minutes, we add the leeks.

At the same time 1 decilitre of cream is also added. When everything has boiled up again, it is time to add the fish into the pan. The soup will now cook for about 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, we make an aioli made ​​up of garlic, mayonnaise, Turkish yogurt, salt and pepper.

The soup is served in deep round bowls. 

The rest is pure enjoyment!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Crumble cake with apples (smulpaj)

Most Swedes live in cities. Many Swedes - even in cities - live in villas or have allotment gardens. Therefore, horticulture is very popular.

Now it is autumn and the fruit harvest is in full swing. Then you have to take care of at least part of all the fruit trees produce.

 A good dish is apple pie made with crumb dough. Called "smulpaj" in Swedish.

First you have to peel and clean the apples, so that only good parts come with the pie. If you use fallen fruit it will be much left in the sink.
Then you remove cores from apples and cut the apples into strips and put them in an ovenproof dish. 

I usually pour on a little brown sugar and syrup on apples and put them in the oven so that they may melt a bit before the crumb dough is applied.

Crumb dough consists of
1.5 deciliter flour
1.5 deciliter Oatmeal
1-4 tablespoons sugar
100 grams of margarine or butter.

All this stirred together so that it becomes crumbly.
Crumb dough is in place and the dish is in the oven for about 30 minutes.

Now the apple pie is ready and tasted. Delicious!